ƒشت دراسة جدŠدة †شرت ا…سŒ ا† ا„†زاع Š ا„شر‚ ا„اˆسط تسبب Š خسارة ا„دˆ„ ا„…تأثرة ب‡ …ب„غ ١٢ ترŠ„Šˆ† دˆ„ار خ„ا„ ا„ع‚دŠ† ا„…اضŠŠ†.
A new study published yesterday that the conflict in the Middle East resulted in the loss of the States affected by the amount of 12 trillion dollars over the past two decades.
ˆتب†ت ا„عدŠد …† ا„دˆ„ ا„تŠ ع…„ت ˆسŠطة „„س„ا… Š ا„…†ط‚ةŒ ˆ…† بŠ†‡ا ا„†رˆŠج ˆسŠˆŠسراŒ ت„ƒ ا„دراسة ا„تŠ اعتبرت اˆ„ …حاˆ„ة „تحدŠد ا„اثر ا„…ا„Š „„†زاعات.
Adopted a number of countries which have an intermediate for peace in the region, including Norway and Sewesra, such a study, which was considered the first attempt to determine the financial impact of the conflict.
ˆƒشت ا„دراسة ا„تŠ اجرت‡ا …ج…ˆعة {ستراتŠجŠƒ ˆرساŠت غرˆب} ع† ƒ„ة با‡ظة ع„‰ ƒ„ ا„اطرا …†ذ 1991 بسبب ا„د…ار ا„ذŠ احدث‡ ا„†زاع ا„اسرائŠ„Š ا„„سطŠ†Š ˆا„†زاع Š „ب†ا† ˆا„غزˆ ا„ا…ŠرƒŠ „„عرا‚.
A study conducted by the Strategic Foresight Group () Group for the cost prohibitive to all parties since 1991 because of the devastation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the conflict in Lebanon and the US-led invasion of Iraq.
„ƒ†‡ا اƒدت ا„ا…ƒا†ات ا„تŠ Š†طˆŠ ع„Š‡ا ا„تˆص„ ا„‰ س„ا… شا…„ با„†سبة „دˆ„ ˆشعˆب ا„…†ط‚ةŒ ˆ…ث„ ‡ذا ا„س„ا… سŠط„‚ عج„ة ا„†…ˆ …† دˆ„ حˆض ا„بحر ا„…تˆسط ˆحت‰ ا„خ„Šج.
But confirmed the potential of reaching a comprehensive peace for the peoples of the region, and such growth will be the peace of the Mediterranean basin countries and even the Gulf.
ˆ‚ا„ ص†دŠب ˆاس„Šƒار ا„ذŠ ترأس …ع …ج…ˆعة خبراء …† ا„…†اط‚ ا„…ع†ŠةŒ ا† دخ„ ا„رد ا„اسرائŠ„Š اˆ ا„„سطŠ†Š ‡ˆ †ص ا„دخ„ ا„ذŠ ƒا† Š…ƒ† ا† Šحص„ ع„Š‡ „ˆ ت… ا„تˆص„ ا„‰ ا„س„ا… Š …ؤت…ر …درŠد عا… 1991.
He said Sndeb and Acelikar who chaired the group of experts from the areas concerned, the per capita income is Israeli or Palestinian, who was half their income can happen if it were a peace conference in Madrid in 1991.
إسرائŠ„ ˆ„سطŠ†
Israel and Palestine
ˆاضا ا†‡ با„†سبة „„عرا‚ŠŠ† ‚د ا†خض دخ„ ا„رد ا„‰ ا„ث„ث Š ا„ترة †س‡اŒ ˆŠ حا„ تح‚Š‚ ا„س„ا… سŠزداد دخ„ ا„اسرة ا„اسرائŠ„Šة Š ا„…عد„ حˆا„Š 4429 دˆ„ارا Š ا„عا… Š 2010 حت‰ „ˆ دعت اسرائŠ„ تعˆŠضات „„اجئŠ† ا„„سطŠ†ŠŠ† ˆ†‚„ت اƒثر …† 150 ا„ …ستˆط† …† ا„ضة ا„غربŠة ا„‰ اسرائ‰„ تعˆŠضا „„اجئŠ† ا„„سطŠ†ŠŠ†Œ ع„‰ …ا ذƒرت ا„دراسة.
He said that for Iraqis, the per capita income has dropped to third in the same period, and, if it will achieve peace in the Israeli family income rate of about 4429 dollars a year in 2010 even if Israel paid compensation to Palestinian refugees and more than 150 thousand settlers from the West Bank to Israel as compensation of the Palestinian refugees, the study said.
ا…ا ا„دخ„ Š ا„اراضŠ ا„„سطŠ†Šة إ†‡ سŠزداد باƒثر …† ا„ضع..
The income in the Palestinian territories, it will be more than doubled ..
ˆاشارت ا„دراسة ا„‰ ا† ا„جا†بŠ† ا„„سطŠ†Š ˆا„اسرائŠ„Š سŠح‚‚ا† …ƒاسب …تساˆŠة.
The study pointed out that the Palestinian and Israeli sides will achieve the same gains.
ˆŠ …عرض ƒش‡ ع† ا„ت‚رŠر Š …ƒاتب ا„ا…… ا„…تحدة Š ج†ŠŒ ‚ا„ ˆاس„Šƒار ا† ا„خŠار ‡ˆ بشƒ„ اساسŠ بŠ† {ا„د…ار} ˆا„تˆص„ ا„‰ اتا‚ س„ا….
In the detection of the report at UN offices in Geneva, said Acelikar The choice is essentially between the () and the mass to reach a peace agreement.
ˆاضا {اذا „… Šحددˆا خŠار‡…Œ إ† ا„ƒ„ة ستˆاص„ ا„ارتاع}.
(If he did not specify their options, the cost will continue to rise).
ˆاƒد ا† دخ„ ا„دˆ„ ا„…جاˆرة „اسرائŠ„ ˆا„…†اط‚ ا„„سطŠ†Šة Š…ƒ† ا† Šزداد اŠضاŒ اذ اشار ا„‰ ا† دخ„ ا„اسرة Š ا„ارد†Œ ا„ذŠ Šض… …ئات آ„ا ا„„اجئŠ† ا„„سطŠ†ŠŠ† Š…ƒ† ا† Šرتع ب…‚دار 1250 دˆ„ارا.
He stressed that the income of the neighboring countries of Israel and the Palestinian territories could also be increased, noting that the income of the family in Jordan, which includes hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees could rise by U.S. $ 1250.
ا„عرا‚ ˆا„تƒا„Š ا„ر‡Šبة
Iraq and the terrible cost
ˆاƒدت ا„دراسة ƒذ„ƒ ا„ƒ„ة ا„‡ائ„ة „„غزˆ ا„ا…ŠرƒŠ „„عرا‚ ˆ…ا ت„ا‡Œ ˆ„ˆ„ا ا„†زاع ˆا„ع‚ˆبات „ƒا† ا„دخ„ ا„…ح„Š „„عرا‚ اƒثر ب€€ 28 …رة (2Œ2 ترŠ„Šˆ† دˆ„ار).
The study also confirmed the enormous cost to the U.S. invasion of Iraq and the subsequent, and not of conflict and sanctions to the income of local Iraq more than the 28 times (2.2 trillion U.S. dollars).
ˆ„‚Šت ا„دراسة دع…ا رس…Šا …† ا„†رˆج ˆ‚طر ˆسˆŠسرا ˆترƒŠا.
The study received official support from Norway, Qatar, Switzerland and Turkey.
ˆأعرب تˆ…اس غرŠ…Š†غر ا„…سؤˆ„ Š ا„خارجŠة ا„سˆŠسرŠة ع† أ…„‡ Š ا† تشجع ا„دراسة ا„†اس ˆا„‚ادة Š ا„شر‚ ا„أˆسط ع„‰ ا„تƒŠر {Š …‚دار …ا خسرˆ‡..
The Thomas Griminger the Swiss foreign ministry official expressed the hope to encourage the study of people and leaders in the Middle East to consider the extent to which the (lost ..
ˆ…‚دار …ا سŠخسرˆ†‡} Š حا„ است…رت ا„†زاعات.
And the amount of Sikhosrunh) in the event of a conflict.
ˆأضا ا† {ا„ت‚رŠر Šشجع ƒذ„ƒ ا„اطرا ا„دˆ„Šة ا„اع„ة ع„‰ تƒثŠ ج‡ˆد‡ا …† أج„ إح„ا„ ا„س„ا… Š ا„شر‚ ا„أˆسط}.
(He added that the report also encourages the international actors to intensify their efforts to establish peace in the Middle East).