Framework for Responsible Use of AI in the Nuclear Domain
This policy brief coauthored by SFG and the Future of Life Institute (FLI) outlines the need for an international framework addressing the convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and nuclear command, control, and communications (NC3) systems.
New Existential Risks to Human Civilization
The growing interface between Artificial Intelligence, Nuclear Weapons and biotechnology can lead to a global war involving weapons of mass destruction by accident or intent. This paper examines various angles of the discourse.
Financial InnovationThe Global High Level Panel on Water and Peace called for financial innovation to mobilize resources for the water sector, particularly for water cooperation. In this volume we look at some new instruments of innovative finance which can help mobilize resources in the times of boom, as well as recession.
Beyond 2030
The Global High Level Panel for Water and Peace underlined the need to have a long term perspective on water governance. In this bulletin we look at the world beyond 2030 to map multiple drivers that will impact the availability and governance of water.
Blue Peace Decade Conference Report
The Blue Peace Movement completed 10 years in February 2020. It was launched in February 2020, with initial emphasis on the Middle East, and later on expanded to cover different regions and global dimensions. To celebrate this, Strategic Foresight Group, and Centre for the Resolution of Intractable Conflict at Oxford University, along with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation co-hosted an international conference in London on 17-18 February in London. The report not only reflects on lessons from the last decade but also provides ideas for the next one.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Riparian countries cooperating on water management are bound to face new issues that could potentially lead to conflict. It is therefore important to have built in mechanisms in their water sharing agreements that could lead to a peaceful resolution of issues as and when they arise. River Basin Oraganizations around the world have found a different, but effective way of dealing with resolution of disputes between them. This issue of the Blue Peace Bulletin examines some of them.
Water and Violence: The Indus
Rhetoric over the Indus River has been a source of tension between India and Pakistan over the last many years. While the Indus Water Treaty has prevented major conflict over the water, simmering tensions remain. This issue of the Blue Peace Bulletin examines the current situation and makes recommendations on how to build cooperation.
Water and Violence: Future Shock
The first Blue Peace Bulletin of 2020 presents scenarios for water security beyond 2030. Strategic Foresight Group was established primarily as a scenario planning organization several years ago. In this bulletin we apply our scenario planning expertise to the future of water cooperation and security. We examine both potentially positive and destructive trajectories. Scenarios are not just about mapping trends, Scenarios are more about identifying the discontinuities. In this bulletin, we signal major discontinuities including some wild cards. So tighten your seat belt, hold your breath and witness the future shock.
Conferences Reports
P5 Experts Roundtable- Online on AI- Nuclear Nexus
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P5 Experts Roundtable on Nuclear Risk Reduction
Download:Geneva Roundtable Report
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