Conference Reports
The Normandy P5 Initiative on nuclear risk reduction launched by the Strategic Foresight Group and the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (together the Co-Convenors) has been running since 2021. The Initiative seeks to engage the five permanent members of the UN Security Council to find solutions to catastrophic risk through dialogue with non-government experts from China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and United States.
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P5 Experts Roundtable on Nuclear Risk Reduction
Summary report of a P5 Nuclear Risk Reduction roundtable held on 11-13 December 2023, in Geneva.
Overall, the experts stressed that the issue of nuclear risk reduction remained crucial and urgent, particularly when linked to the risks posed by emerging technology. Dialogue amongst the nuclear five was an essential means of reducing tensions and minimising the risks of misunderstanding and miscalculation. Reducing nuclear risk was an important step in paving the way for negotiations to achieve everyone’s shared goal of eliminating nuclear weapons.
Download:Geneva Roundtable Report
Roundtable on Global Security and Catastrophic Risks
Strategic Foresight Group, Geneva Centre for Security Policy, and Region Normandy co-convened a roundtable of P4 experts for their Normandy P5 Initiative on Global Security and Catastrophic Risks on the background of deteriorating geopolitical and strategic environment.
Download:Report on RT revise
Blue Peace Decade Conference Report
The Blue Peace Movement completed 10 years in February 2020. It was launched in February 2020, with initial emphasis on the Middle East, and later on expanded to cover different regions and global dimensions. To celebrate this, Strategic Foresight Group, and Centre for the Resolution of Intractable Conflict at Oxford University, along with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation co-hosted an international conference in London on 17-18 February in London. The report not only reflects on lessons from the last decade but also provides ideas for the next one.
Download:Blue Peace Decade Conference Report
International Media Workshop - Global Challenges of Water and Peace
An international workshop including an intergenerational dialogue of media leaders was held from 23-24 September, 2019 in Kathmandu, Nepal. It was attended by both senior media leaders and young journalists from all continents including North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia. The objective of the workshop was to sensitize the media on global challenges of water and peace and introduce Blue Peace as well as key recommendations of the Global High Level Panel on Water and Peace.
Download:International Media Workshop Report
An Unprecedented Opportunity:Blue Peace in the Middle East
Around 25 experts and media persons from Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey met in Stockholm on 30-31 August 2018 to discuss the transfer of the management of Blue Peace in the Middle East Initiative from Strategic Foresight Group to a cooperative regional mechanism.
Download:Stockholm Workshop Report
Meeting on Deconstructing Terror
An international meeting on Deconstructing Terror was held in Pune, India on 16-17 February, 2018. The meeting was co-hosted by Strategic Foresight Group and Centre for the Resolution of Intractable Conflicts (CRIC) at Harris Manchester College, Oxford University and attended by 20 international experts.
The meeting followed discussion on the subject at a session on different perspectives on terrorism at the Annual Conference of CRIC held in Oxford in September 2017. The meeting discussed conventional, as well as new ideas to understand terrorism and to deal with it.
Download:Deconstructing Terror Report February 2018
Strategy Workshop on Blue Peace in the Middle East
A group of regional experts from Turkey, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Iran met in Zurich, Switzerland on 21-22 August, 2017 for a strategy workshop with a main objective of exploring the future of the Blue Peace Process and ideas for the transfer of management leadership to regional institutions. The workshop was co-hosted by Strategic Foresight Group and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation in cooperation with the Human Security Division of Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.
Download:Strategy Workshop on Blue Peace in the Middle East
Framework for Responsible Use of AI in the Nuclear Domain
Download:Framework for Responsible Use of AI in the Nuclear Domain -
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